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Building Baby’s First Library

Reading aloud is an activity you can do with your newbie from the very start. While you may simply be enjoying shared storytime, reading also has many benefits for your baby’s development. In fact, [...]

Building Baby’s First Library2023-07-25T22:21:36-04:00

Date night on the double

Should we sneak away? No, no—don’t do that. Let’s give kisses and chat merrily as we inch toward the door. You know, a casual approach? Got it. Kisses hit cheeks—one, two and then an extra [...]

Date night on the double2016-02-15T00:00:21-05:00

Week 30: How can I possibly be this tired?

I’m currently sitting at home in Omaha and enjoying one of the blessed little treats that are occasionally awarded to us teachers—our very first snow day! Since the school districts called off school yesterday around [...]

Week 30: How can I possibly be this tired?2016-02-05T00:00:22-05:00

What's best for us

“American girl seeks friend. If interested, please meet at Piazza Della Scalla at 7 p.m.” My hopeful words went onto a Facebook page for au pairs living in Milan, and then I tip-toed downstairs to [...]

What's best for us2015-09-28T00:00:20-04:00

Under wraps

Confession: I’m not a modest person. I’ve been known to sunbathe topless in my (privacy fenced) backyard, and in college I spent many a weekend night dancing at a local club clad in only a [...]

Under wraps2018-01-30T17:23:39-05:00
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