Wisdom from the trenches

By Published On: August 30th, 2012

Veteran nursing mamas share their best advice, real-life experiences and […]

Veteran nursing mamas share their best advice, real-life experiences and heartfelt encouragement.
“I’m not going to lie, and say it’s all sweet, cuddly time you get to spend with your beautiful baby. It hurts, it takes up most of your day (at first), it’s confusing, and sometimes it’s just downright hard. But it’s worth all the pain and all the time it takes. It gets easier—and fast. Stick it out and don’t give up after the first difficult month because I promise you won’t regret the decision to breastfeed. When your baby hits the scale and you see those numbers keep rising, and when he gives you that huge smile after he’s done feeding, you will be so happy you chose to nurse.”
—Ashley Gray, mom of one in Fair Oaks, CA
“Try it! And then keep trying! Nursing is learned by doing.”
—Amanda Dair, mom of two in Warwick, RI
“For working mothers, schedule your pumping sessions at work on your calendar like you would a meeting. I absolutely refused to move my time by more than 30 minutes.”
—Amber Pizano, mom of soon-to-be two in Allen, TX
“Don’t leave the house without your nursing pads. You do not want to be without nursing pads in your bra when your milk lets down in public. Can we say embarrassing? Unfortunately, I learned that one the hard way.”
—Tasha Pascal, mom of one in Reno, NV
“Be sure to buy the most comfortable nursing bras with plenty of stretch. Your cup size changes hourly!”
—Jasmine Egely, mom of nearly seven in Okotoks, AB, Canada
Suckle support
La Leche League International
877/4LALECHE (877/452.5324)
International Lactation Consultant Directory
National Breastfeeding Helpline
When breast isn’t best
If you’ve given your finest effort and breastfeeding just isn’t working for you or your baby, talk to your pediatrician about making the switch to formula. It’s important to make the right choice for your family, and as long as your little one is getting adequate and healthful nourishment, there’s no need to feel guilty or ashamed about not nursing.