Week 27: Preparing for a new sibling
We have had a crazy last few weeks in our […]
We have had a crazy last few weeks in our home. We rearranged two of our main rooms, and—as you can imagine—that took an entire weekend. We then decided to paint our daughter’s room and also our son’s room, which will soon be the “boys” room when Hayes arrives. We got two new beds for them and set up the crib. The crib was our little girl’s just last week.
A few days ago we had a major set back. Our completely potty trained 2-year-old is refusing to wear anything but pull-ups now. How in the world can we go back that far? In the beginning it frustrated me to no end. I thought to myself, Here we are 12 weeks away from changing about 15 diapers a day, and I’ve got a toddler that has completely reverted back. The more I pushed the potty, the worse it got. After talking to a few people including her doctor, I have realized to just let it go. Every one has told me this kind of phase is completely normal when welcoming a new baby.
As far has having her pacis gone by the time the new baby gets here, that isn’t looking so great either. All of the progress she has made just went out the window. On a positive note she has been staying in bed all night ever since she got her big girl bed. I just keep telling myself, “One step at a time.” She is only 2. She has been the baby for her whole life. She couldn’t be more excited about being a big sister, but she is having some issues with letting go of the “baby” role.
As for our 7-year old, he is thrilled to be a big brother to a little brother. When we decided to let the boys share a room I was a little hesitant. The last thing we want is for him to feel less important. The day he came home to his newly painted room and new bed, he was over the moon. Not once has he mentioned that there is a crib in there, too.
For the next few weeks Barrett and I want to pay as much attention to the both of them as possible. Our son knows what it’s like to share the love of your parents with a newborn but our little girl is clueless. We are hoping we can prepare them in the best way possible by including them in everything that has to do with the new baby.
The bond that our children have is so strong. I always knew they would love each other but I wasn’t sure how exactly they would get along being five years apart. Barrett and I are amazed on a daily basis at how well they get along and play together. It makes us feel so confident that they will have no problem with a new sibling. How have you prepared your little ones for a new sibling?