Week 17: The gender question
If you are a parent or an expectant parent, you […]
If you are a parent or an expectant parent, you know there are definitely some topics that divide all of us passionately when it comes to pregnancy and babies. Just a few of these issues include natural birth or epidural, to circumcise or not to circumcise and vaccinations. Whoa, those are big, old debates that you shouldn’t go into lightly when you bring it up in a group of moms. But, before any of those decisions, there is THE question I always heard most in the first half of pregnancy.
“Are you going to find out what you are having?”
“Yes, that’s easy. We are having a human baby, and yes, we are finding out if it is a boy or girl.”
We are those people. I like to be ready and, I’ll be honest, I’m curious. Plus, knowing that I could find out the gender of the human being living inside of me, but deciding not to would make me go crazy! And if you ask my husband, he will tell you I’m already crazy enough, so no reason to add to what is already there.
So, as our ultrasound appointment drew closer, I started thinking if I was hoping for a boy or girl. Really, I saw either gender as a win. With another boy added to our family, Boone would have a built-in best friend and wrestling partner just two years his junior and, oh my goodness, we already have so much boy stuff! Plus, I think we’ve gotten into a pretty good groove of parenting a little boy. The boy option really appealed to my husband from a completely practical standpoint because, let’s just say, he is cheap. We have boxes and boxes of boy clothes, toys and shoes, and for a girl we have absolutely nothing. But, with a girl I knew that it would be a whole new experience of frilly things and pink (at least until she could tell me she refuses to wear it all) and we could learn everything it means to be parents to a girl.
So the day had finally arrived. When I got into the ultrasound room, and the technician squirted the warm goo on my belly, a sweet, squirming baby popped up on the ultrasound room screen. She started counting arms and legs and the question fell out of my mouth before I could really even try to censor myself.
“Do you think you can see the gender yet?”
She smiled and went right to the nether regions.
“That’s definitely a girl!”
And just like that, my heart became just a little bit fuller. But as I sat there and the technician continued counting all the little appendages and organs, I thought about how no matter what the gender was of our tiny babe, seeing a healthy, thriving little one on the ultrasound screen is really all a pregnant gal, like me, ever hopes for.
So, are you planning to find out the gender? Did you do a gender reveal party with family and friends? Or, are you from the camp that loves the surprise to come right as your baby is plopped on your chest in the delivery room?