Use your words
A few months back I started hanging inspirational-slash-motivational prints around […]
A few months back I started hanging inspirational-slash-motivational prints around the house to remind my children to treat people—particularly themselves—with the love and respect that we all deserve. At first I think they thought I was nuts. But slowly they began to warm up to the idea, and before I knew it they were jotting their own encouraging messages to each other on the chalkboard by our back door. It warms my heart to see Your smile makes me smile scrawled in bright green 8-year-old cursive every time I head out of the house.
And even though I originally started this pick-me-up project for my kids, I’ve found that it brightens my mood too. Being a parent is tough, and we could all use a little cheering up from time to time. When I’m determined to be in a bad mood and then come face to face with a message that reads It’s a good day to have a good day, I stop and reconsider my attitude. And you know what? It almost always turns things around.
So if you’re in the parenting trenches and could use a little encouragement, try adding some mood-boosting sayings around your house, whether you grab a few of these prints or simply jot a message on your mirror. Embrace your awesomeness, and share some love with those around you. Small acts of kindness make this world a much better place.