Surprise! My first baby shower
Written by: Z. Briggs January 09 2013 A couple of […]
A couple of weeks ago, just before Chad and I were going to leave for Christmas break, my best friend Mary Ellen threw me a surprise shower. It was awesome. Chad was totally in on it, and I had no idea. I figured out that we were going to visit Mary Ellen when we drove to Brooklyn and parked the car on her street, but when I opened the door and suddenly saw so many of my close friends all there and with animal masks on, it was just awesome!
We haven’t done a lot by way of a theme with our little boy’s nursery, but we had both agreed that we liked the idea of “Forest Friends.” Mary Ellen took this theme and ran with it, everyone had a different cute animal part mask, and her apartment was decorated with a lovely holiday, winter, forest theme. The party wasn’t too big, about 10 people total, including myself and Chad. We ate yummy food, talked and laughed A LOT and opened some very thoughtful gifts from my friends.
I included a picture of the wonderful presents we received. A beautiful pop-up book, some great bath toys, a hand-knit blanket, free babysitting, adorable clothes, a really interesting and unique word book, and more. Also, you can see some of the animal masks from the party along the bottom. We feel so very blessed. The gifts were lovely, and it was also just so nice to sit in a room with some of my closest friends and laugh and talk together. Some of them even got to feel him kick!
It was such a lovely evening and I’m so thankful to Mary Ellen and Chad for putting it together. Soon he will be here, and we are so excited for that. He is going to have such an amazing extended family of friends.