Rowan's closet
“It’s more fun to dress girls,” is something I’ve heard […]
“It’s more fun to dress girls,” is something I’ve heard on more than one occasion. When I found out we were having a boy, I was slightly sad I wouldn’t have the chance to dress a mini-me. And I’ll admit, I have admired baby girl clothes plenty of times since, and it’ll happen again. But I think there’s a misconception regarding boys—they’re just as much fun to dress as girls. (I won’t even try to argue that they’re more fun, because who are we kidding?)
I used to shop for myself, although while pregnant it wasn’t out of enjoyment so much as necessity; there is no joy in seeing your size go up and the available options dwindle. Now I get more pleasure out of finding clothes for Rowan. Yes, I understand he’s a baby and he’ll grow out of everything in the time it takes to dress him. No, I don’t spend an obscene amount of money on a single item of clothing (although if I did, that’s my choice and a discussion between me, my husband, and our bank account). The amount of clothing I bring home each month, though, is astounding, considering that boys clothes are generally considered less fun to shop for than girls.

Before Rowan was born, I knew what kind of aesthetic I wanted: a cross between gentleman, professor, preppy, and elderly grandpa (think cardigans with elbow patches). After he was born, I realized what a challenge this would be. I find that most boys’ clothes come splashed with cars, sports images, or licensed characters. Or disturbing phrases, such as “Mr. Right,” “Future Lady Killer,” and other cringe-worthy sayings that I don’t like to associate with infants.

Don’t get me wrong, he has his fair share of bodysuits featuring animals and the occasional “Handsome Like Daddy” emblazoned across the front. However, it’s nice to bring out the jeans and oxford shirts, the striped rompers, and the corduroys and sweaters. Even if I don’t get dressed in more than yoga pants and a t-shirt, it’s fun to have my handsome boy dressed like a little gentleman.
The day will come when Rowan can voice his own opinion on what he wants to wear, and he’ll definitely have a say. But right now, when I have carte blanche to select his wardrobe, I’m taking every advantage.
I used to shop for myself, although while pregnant it wasn’t out of enjoyment so much as necessity; there is no joy in seeing your size go up and the available options dwindle. Now I get more pleasure out of finding clothes for Rowan. Yes, I understand he’s a baby and he’ll grow out of everything in the time it takes to dress him. No, I don’t spend an obscene amount of money on a single item of clothing (although if I did, that’s my choice and a discussion between me, my husband, and our bank account). The amount of clothing I bring home each month, though, is astounding, considering that boys clothes are generally considered less fun to shop for than girls.
Before Rowan was born, I knew what kind of aesthetic I wanted: a cross between gentleman, professor, preppy, and elderly grandpa (think cardigans with elbow patches). After he was born, I realized what a challenge this would be. I find that most boys’ clothes come splashed with cars, sports images, or licensed characters. Or disturbing phrases, such as “Mr. Right,” “Future Lady Killer,” and other cringe-worthy sayings that I don’t like to associate with infants.
Don’t get me wrong, he has his fair share of bodysuits featuring animals and the occasional “Handsome Like Daddy” emblazoned across the front. However, it’s nice to bring out the jeans and oxford shirts, the striped rompers, and the corduroys and sweaters. Even if I don’t get dressed in more than yoga pants and a t-shirt, it’s fun to have my handsome boy dressed like a little gentleman.