Pregnancy & Newborn Fitness Squad!
Calling all mamas and moms-to-be! It’s hard to make fitness […]
Calling all mamas and moms-to-be!
It’s hard to make fitness a priority when your spare moments are filled with details about your upcoming birth or your new baby’s tiny, little toes. But we’re pretty sure some of you are willing to make a workout work in your favor and we want to hear from you.
Wanna squeeze in a workout while your newborn naps or stretch with a prenatal yoga routine? We’re forming a workout review panel and we want to fill it with moms like you.
If chosen, you’ll be mailed a mystery fitness package for review and feedback. Test it out and tell us all about it. Your body will thank you!
Click here to complete the form and tell us why YOU should be on the P&N Fitness Squad!