Oh, poo
We had all of three baby-washes under our belts and […]
We had all of three baby-washes under our belts and my husband and I were just starting to gain a little bit of bathtime confidence when our newborn threw us a curveball. Thanks to the headline of this post, I’m sure you can see where this is going: Sweet Bea pooped in her bath. Andy had just finished saying, “Hey, what happens if she goes to the bathroom while we’re washing her?” and then, like baby bowel clockwork, Bea scrunched her little nose, pursed her lips, and made magic happen.
Except it wasn’t magic. I’m sure it was totally normal. However, my trusty baby books and blogs hadn’t at all prepared me for the situation. I don’t mind having to think on my feet, but you’d think someone would make note of the skills necessary for juggling a wet baby, poo-soaked bath daisy, and sink full of dirty water. (Hint: it’s a good idea to have lots of spare towels.)
Of course this isn’t the only surprise we’ve encountered in our few short weeks. There was the thrush. And the diarrhea. And the animalistic night grunting. And the NoseFrida, which comes with great instructions for dislodging nose goo, but it doesn’t say a thing about how to handle a husband who gags uncontrollably and runs to the other room the second snot starts flowing.
The point is that no matter how much reading and research we do, nothing compares to how our little one reacts to the world on a daily basis. Her experiences, although shared by many, are new to us. And that makes it intimidating. And funny. And, at times, a little gross. But it’s through these unexpected events that we’re really learning how to become good parents, both together and as an individual mom and dad. So I’m glad Bea keeps throwing us curveballs. Not only will we be able to handle bath time with a little more dignity, but we’re also readying ourselves for a future that’s sure to get more random and exciting by the day.
Amanda lives in Fort Collins with her husband extraordinaire Andy, the rambunctious and fun-loving pup Sweet Georgia Brown, and their newest addition: a most delightful and adorable baby girl named Bea Eloise. Amanda has been writing articles, blog posts, marketing content, and to-do lists for many years, but she’s a newcomer to the mommy game. Sharing her family’s adventures as they grow, learn, and make messes together seems only natural — and it’s a job she wouldn’t trade for the world.