LILLEbaby Complete All Seasons
I’ve tried a few different baby carriers, so I was […]
I’ve tried a few different baby carriers, so I was interested to see how the LILLEbaby Complete All Seasons would be different. I found there were loads of benefits, but the thing that really makes it stand out is the “temperature-control panel” on the front. The mesh panel can be zipped-up during cooler weather or unzipped on hot days to allow for airflow and breathability. Babywearing can get pretty toasty here in Atlanta, so this feature is a welcome one.
Like the other carriers in the LILLEbaby Complete line, the All Seasons offers six different carrying positions, which is awesome.The different positions include fetal carry (with adjustable neck support), front carry (facing in), front carry (facing out), hip carry and back carry. (You can place baby either in front of your body or in a backpack position.) You can use the carrier for a child up to 45 pounds.
The manual, while meticulously wordy, is very clear. There are several buckles and snaps on this carrier, but they all have a purpose. Like other carriers, you start the process by adjusting the wide, padded waist belt, which offers nice lumbar support.
I don’t love that you have to change the “seat” position to either narrow or wide for the different carrying positions. The process was a little tricky to decipher in the manual, and I do not have it memorized to where I know which carry requires which seat position. However, the adjustable seat is designed to provide the most ergonomical position for baby’s hips, which I know is important, so while it’s a bit of a hindrance in the time department, it’s best for baby that this is offered.
Once I took the LILLEbaby Complete All Seasons off and on a few times, we go the process down pat. I was able to put my little bundle in the carrier without assistance from another adult so long as he was on the front side of my body. The backpack carry is a little more intimidating, and I needed assistance from papacita for this one—mostly because I’m overly cautious! I imagine with time it will get easier.
Getting down to business … my big boy is almost 20 pounds, and I was really surprised by how light he feels in the carrier. The straps are heavily padded, very comfortable and provide even weight distribution between hips and shoulders. The lumbar support is great. There are two strap options also—criss-cross or backpack style—so you can decide which is more comfortable for you. I wore the carrier for more than an hour the first time I used it, and it was comfortable the entire time—and yes, baby fell fast asleep!
I’ve used the carrier for quick trips to the grocery store, and it’s easy (and fast) to get on and off. The carrier is a bit big for tucking into my diaper bag, so I usually just toss it into the car, and put it on as soon we get out. I’m also able to do things around the house with my sweet boy on my chest. (Think dusting and vacuuming.) My husband was also able to wear the carrier, although he claims he can’t do housework in it—nice try, hubby! We’re both looking forward to hiking trips with our son in the backpack.
The LILLEbaby Complete All Seasons has a removable, two-way adjustable hood. When out and about, strangers will inevitably want to touch your baby, and the hood is a nice barrier against that. It also protects against any elements you’re battling while outside. I love that it has a zippered pocket, but it’s in a bit of an awkward spot on the front of the carrier. I wish it were on the waist belt or one of the main carrying straps, so it would be easier to pop your keys in and out of the pocket without disturbing the baby.
I recommend this carrier to anyone, male or female, as it’s comfortable, adjustable and can be used for a very long time given the weight limit and backpack option. The Complete All Seasons is machine0washable and comes in multiple colors.
Price: $120
To buy: