kokopax city carrier
Though I’m not a trailblazer, and have not tested the […]
Though I’m not a trailblazer, and have not tested the kokopax city carrier out on a hike, I will say I have used it around the house for full days at a time. And with a sweet 8-month-old baby girl experiencing anxiety issues, this pack is priceless!
I got my husband to adjust her perfectly in the straps and hoist her onto my back. All I had to do was adjust the belt snugly around my waist. The way the carrier hits me, I don’t even have to strain. Carrying baby girl on my hips had gotten to be painful and challenging. I love to be in the kitchen, and I could move about with very little strain on my body with her attached in the kokopax carrier.
We have moved through sling carrier, wrap, and now are delighted to find the next greatest solution to being rooms apart: the kokopax. My babe LOVES it. She giggles from her high ride and it is so easy to place her in her buckle of the seat. Other than the fact that she’s at the perfect height to use Mama’s hair as “reins,” it was a breeze to use the carrier to make household jobs and kitchen chores doable without causing her the panic attacks from leaving the room. Peek-a-boo gets old when you have to do it the WHOLE time you’re fixing her breakfast!
On days when my husband did not hoist her onto my back himself, I could easily open the legs of the stand, arrange baby girl, and put her on my back on my own. I could then click the stand shut towards my back with little fuss, and we were on our way adventuring around the house together. When my husband and I didn’t want to fuss with our stroller, we would attach the kokopax to one of us and stroll the few blocks to our dinner destination. It is really an easy-to-use, no fuss carrier that gives our daughter a smooth ride and a nice view. Nothing makes the kokopax worth it more than her laughter at the height of her day … above mommy or daddy supervising life before she can even talk!
Price: $100
To buy: kokopax.com