I’m in love
Written by: Suzanna October 18 2011 When it comes to […]
When it comes to putting words on a blank page, I’m rarely at a loss for what to say.
But trying to chronicle the past ten days of life with Baby Jacob has me a little stumped. It’s been a crazy wonderful sleepless whirlwind, and there is so much to say.
Should I talk about the incredible highs and lows of my delivery experience? (I wasn’t induced, after all, as I had mentioned in my last post. Jacob decided to begin the journey out of my birth canal on his own—the day before I was to be induced.)
Should I talk about what it’s like to be a walking milk machine … and how I have a newfound appreciation—and sympathy—for dairy cows?
Or, should I talk about all of the hilarious moments that Tom and I have had adjusting to life with baby? (One of my personal favorites: realizing his gas sounds identical to the blaster guns in Star Wars.)
All of these things are worth talking about—except maybe his Star Wars gas—and I’m sure I will write about them eventually. But, for now, I think the thing that strikes me the most about motherhood is how someone so tiny can take up so much room in your heart.
One of my dear friends told me months ago that once Jacob arrived, I would be “in love.” Not being much of a baby person, I wasn’t convinced. Now, from the other side of Jacob’s first week, I can tell you she was right.
I know soon enough (too soon!) Jacob will grow up to be his own independent person, but for now I feel like our hearts are one and the same. When he’s happy, I’m happy. When he cries, I cry. (Case in point: The first time he got his blood drawn, I cried louder than he did.) When he sleeps … well, that’s a different story.
Are there frustrating moments that have had me selfishly wishing for a split second that all I still had to care for was my house plant? Just visit our house at 2 am after he’s been awake for eight hours straight, and you’ll have the answer. Fortunately, those trying times pass quickly, and, somehow even seem to grow my love for him.
I wouldn’t trade my sweet bundle for the world, and I can’t wait to share more about our life—and love—with you in the coming months.