Holiday prep
Written by: Sheri December 15 2010 Christmas feels like it’s […]
Christmas feels like it’s gaining on me fast this year.
It’s a strange phenomenon.On one hand, I feel like there’s so much to do to get ready for this baby.We still need to paint an armoire that will become my new office and hang a bunch of shelves to store my office gear, then transition Aaron’s room to his “big-boy” room, complete with new dresser and bookshelf.Then we can start working on the nursery. Throw in a Christmas tree, cookie-baking and gift-wrapping, and I start to feel like a crazy woman. I do feel like I have quite of bit of energy at the moment, for a pregnant lady, that is.But it doesn’t compare to my pre-pregnancy verve.
So I’m trying to remind myself, everything that needs to happen will happen.And whatever doesn’t get done won’t matter much in the long run anyway. The house doesn’t need to be perfectly decorated.We can get by with one type of Christmas cookie this year. And the baby will happily sleep in the portable crib next to our bed until her nursery is ready.
Instead of endless to-do lists, I’m trying to focus on the little moments that make December such a special month—especially for kids. Like drinking hot chocolate while watching holiday specials on TV or squinting your eyes at lights on the Christmas tree.I’m lucky that Aaron provides me plenty of reminders of this lesson.He is currently gripped by a set of Christmas music boxes my mother gave me when I was a child. Every night, he is thrilled to choose a different one for middle of the dinner table, which plays endless rounds of “Frosty the Snowman” or “Linus and Lucy” from A Charlie Brown Christmas while we eat.The joy in his eyes makes the repetition totally worth it.
This new little one is doing a good job of reminding me to slow down and enjoy every moment as well. She’s kicking now more than ever. And my belly is nearly big enough that I can rest on hands on it comfortably. This is my favorite part of pregnancy – the part where it’s abundantly clear that there is a new little person growing inside who will be out soon.It’s the easiest time for me to sit back and enjoy the wonders of it all.
When I slow down and give it some thought, I realize I have so much to be grateful for this holiday season.Elaborate baking schemes and perfectly-wrapped presents don’t need to make the list.