Comfy Joey Linen Ring Sling
A baby carrier is an absolute must-have for my family. […]
A baby carrier is an absolute must-have for my family. I use one when grocery shopping, running errands, traveling, as a back up for walks when my little one gets tired of the stroller, and most importantly, for getting things done around the house. So when my baby started getting fussy in her front pack style carrier, I knew I had a problem. We were offered the opportunity to review a Comfy Joey Linen Ring Sling, and so far, it has been a great addition to our family.
What I love about the ring sling is that it’s so versatile. You can wear it in a number of ways including on your back, hip, tummy to tummy, and in a cradle hold. You can use it to carry newborns to toddlers (up to 35 pounds). You can even use it to nurse! It is lightweight, machine washable, and easily fits into your purse or a pocket in your diaper bag.
I have the Matira Ring Sling in Sunset-Purple Linen. Comfy Joey offers a wide variety of fabrics and colors to choose from, and they also have a conversion option on their website, so you can send them fabric, and they will make a sling for you. You can even have them make a doll sling for your child with the leftover fabric!
At first, I was a little nervous about the idea of a ring sling. After all, it is just a piece of fabric attached to two rings. Was that really going to be enough to safely hold my baby, hands free? Comfy Joey’s site has a lot of great information about baby wearing safely, including pictures. This assuaged my nerves somewhat. When I received my sling, the manual recommended wearing the sling with a doll or a bag of flour first. So, feeling a bit silly, I wore my daughter’s doll around the house until I felt comfortable with the sling. It is actually very easy to use. The rings make it simple to adjust the fabric to the size you need, and you can easily readjust it while wearing your baby. The manual also suggested wearing your baby over a bed or couch until you feel comfortable. I did this as well, but quickly felt secure enough to wander around the house, and soon we were cleaning the kitchen.
In addition to the manual, the sling came with a DVD modeling different types of slings and ways you can wear your baby. The demonstrations use real babies ages 6 weeks to 18 months. I found this very helpful.
The sling is comfortable. There are no straps to dig into your shoulders. Instead, the weight of your child is dispersed across your back. I could wear my daughter for an hour without getting sore, something I could not do with the front pack. The slings come in different sizes, and the website has a comprehensive size chart.
One of my favorite things about the sling is that you can nurse with it on, hand free, and no one knows. I had used nursing covers in the past, but my daughter found them distracting and would try to throw them off while I was nursing her. In the sling, she seems content, and I don’t have to stop everything to feed her.
I have been very pleased with the quality and craftsmanship of the Comfy Joey sling. It is easy to wear, maintain and carry, and it makes getting things done with a baby much simpler as well. Two thumbs up!
Price: $68
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