Caboo carrier
I have been eyeing different baby carriers and slings for […]
I have been eyeing different baby carriers and slings for a while. I’ll admit, I’ve been super intimidated at the thought of having to know how to securely tie and hold the baby. I was really pleased when I opened the Caboo carrier and the directions were picture based and so simple to follow. The carrier comes out of the box, ready to use. The directions are very specific and show different carrying positions for different ages and stages.
The Caboo does not have buckles or clips, but does have a ring for adjusting to find the right fit. One size fits most (probably from about a size 8 to size 20). The cloth straps are super comfortable and stretchy so they do not dig into your shoulders.
The carrier folds up into a cloth draw string bag (the bag is actually part of the carrier) and fits easily into a diaper bag. It is light weight and easy to transport. The carrier is simple enough in its design and look that my husband would feel comfortable wearing it as well. (In other words, he doesn’t think it’s too girly.)
The carrier provides several different options for baby carrying positions. The instruction manual describes five different positions from birth through 12 months and up. The baby can be parent-facing up to about 32 pounds and then forward facing. I feel like this carrier is great for carrying the baby around while tending to the house and other children. I have had slings that I’ve worn in the past where I’ve been afraid to bend over or move to much for fear the baby will fall out! I don’t have that fear with the Caboo. I feel like baby is safe and secure and nestled perfectly against me while I move.
I do have back problems, and have in the past not been able to use carriers because of the way they aggravate that pain. The Caboo is easily adjustable with the metal rings and fits securely. The straps spread out to evenly distribute the weight of the baby, making the carrier more comfortable.
The positions described in the user manual are all to be worn on the front of the parent. The only thing I wish was different about this carrier would be to have the ability to wear the baby on my back once she gets bigger. Other than that, I would totally recommend this product.
To buy: