Bug off: Safe ways to keep pests at bay
The American Pregnancy Association advises expectant mamas to avoid any […]
The American Pregnancy Association advises expectant mamas to avoid any type of contact with pesticides during the first trimester when baby’s nervous system is rapidly developing. To banish unwelcome visitors, try these natural remedies instead.
DEET decisions
Though pregnant women should avoid DEET during the first trimester, studies show no harmful effects when used during the second and third trimesters. Choose the lowest concentration available and wash your hands thoroughly following application. Also consider DEET-free alternatives or try spraying protection onto your clothing instead of your skin to minimize exposure.
Try this! Tuck a fabric softener sheet into your pocket to keep creeping and flying things away.
Clear out. Check places for standing water that could serve as a home base for mosquitoes, including birdbaths, buckets and gutters.
Choose wisely. If you know you’re going to be outside, avoid using scented soaps, deodorants and shampoos.
Take cover. Protect your arms and legs by wearing thin layers of fabric.
Employ reinforcements. Burn a citronella candle or essential oils during outdoor gatherings. The scents of herbs such as basil, lavender and lemongrass can also ward off insects.