Baby's first Christmas
Last Christmas, when Arthur and I were still trying to […]
Last Christmas, when Arthur and I were still trying to conceive, I had hoped we’d have a baby by the next Yuletide season. I imagined how exciting it would be to pick out and decorate our tree with a baby. I pictured dressing up our family and taking a holiday photo. I envisioned choosing and wrapping an assortment of presents for our child and putting them under the tree. Oh and the snow! I couldn’t help but see our little angel bundled up in a snowsuit, watching the dog romp around in the flakes. I could almost hear the Christmas music playing as I danced around the house with our future baby …
And now the time is here, and we have our sweet little Rowan! Many of these past hopes have played out as I imagined. We ventured to pick out a tree with our son snug in his stroller, and we decorated it with him strapped soundly to my chest in his carrier. I’ve had so much fun shopping for his presents, although it’s hard not to put them to use right away. We’ve also danced to our fair share of Christmas songs.
Even though he’s only two months old, I still want to share our holiday traditions with him. I realize at this stage it’s more for me than it is for him, but so what? In a few short years (shorter than I’d care for, I’m sure), Rowan will be able to express his excitement over the holiday. He’ll be able to voice his opinion on which tree he’d prefer, he’ll be able to help decorate the house, and his face will light up on Christmas morning to see all the presents with his name on them. And when he does start forming memories, I want him to have joyful, happy ones associated with this time of year.
Until then, I’m enjoying the establishment of festive traditions on his behalf!