A pediatrician in your pocket
Ah, modern parenthood. We seem to have everything at our […]
Ah, modern parenthood. We seem to have everything at our fingertips—Facebook to share reports of our baby’s latest milestones, Twitter to hash out our sleep-deprived frustrations in 140 characters or less, Google to keep us up for the other half of the night when baby is actually asleep, worrying that a sniffle is in fact something far more sinister, etc.
And, of course, there are hundreds of apps for our iPhones for helping us name our babies, track our pregnancies, find the perfect nighttime lullaby, and pass the time while we nurse for hours in a glider in the corner of the nursery, among other things. But when it comes to the really important things, like Should I be worried about this rash? or Is it time to start solid foods?, you want to have the reassurance of more than just a star-rating system when relying on an app for answers.
Well, how about one from a name you’ve heard and trusted for years? On January 11, WebMD launched their brand new app for smart phones, WebMD Baby. Designed for babies from 0 to 2 years of age, WebMDBaby delivers personalized (you can enter your baby’s name, birth date and gender) information that is pediatrician-approved and delivered as daily tips, articles, Q&A sessions and valuable searchable content.
Early parenthood is one-handed land, day and night, and having the information you need in an easily searchable, easily tap-able form is invaluable for moms and dads who will worry about every grunt and gritch (yes, we’re talking about you)and seek reassurance from someone in the know.
A highly utilized feature is the video Q&A section, where you can hear a solid answer to common questions from a board-certified pediatrician who can ease your fears, or help you recognize when you may need to see your baby’s pediatrician in person for more conclusive information.
If your baby is 1 year of age or younger, a new health and wellness tip will be sent to the app every day, as well as more in-depth content every week. If you have a toddler from age 1 to age 2, you’ll receive age-appropriate information once a month. All of the information you receive can be shared via Twitter or Facebook as well.
And as if that weren’t enough for a new mom to jump for joy, there is a fabulous feature that lets you easily add all the details about your baby’s first year (and second) so that once the blur of diaper changes and late nights and early mornings has flown by, you have all the info stored away in your phone for easy access.It’s a great way to remember the details you’ll be asked at each doctor’s visit, too.
All in all, it’s a fantastic app for new parents (and even veteran parents) to have at their fingertips. Thorough, doctor-approved information sent straight to your phone with the bonus of a baby book to capture the fleeting moments you’ll surely want to remember. Oh, and did we mention, it’s free? That’s right, FREE. And all for a little peace of mind from your very own pocket pediatrician.
(P.S. If you’re a visual learner, this great video from helps explain the app well. Check it out!)