A little piece of heaven: The birth of Nevaeh
Written by: Naomi March 19 2012 We have two beautiful […]
We have two beautiful boys: Malachi is 8 and Jude is 4. My husband and I decided to try again, hoping for a girl this time. We tried for only 3 days and boom! I was pregnant! We were so excited, and our boys were dreaming of what it would be like to have a new baby around. They were already thinking of names and what the new baby would look like.
Sunday morning, we were all getting ready for church and I went to the bathroom and saw that I was spotting. My heart dropped! I was in shock thinking of all the things that could be wrong. We really wanted this baby and I was not going to be OK if we lost it.
I called my husband, who was already at church, and he came home and we rushed to the hospital. They took blood and urine samples and did both an external and internal ultrasound. We waited for what seemed like days, but were only a few hours, when finally the doctor came in and said, “I'm so sorry, you lost the baby.” I know he said more, but that’s all I heard. When he stopped talking all I could do was cry, and that's all I could do for the next week, too.
I had a doctor’s appointment that Friday that I kept to do a follow up. I told my doctor what happened, and also told her that I was still experiencing pregnancy symptoms and wondered when they would subside. She looked at me with a puzzled face and told me, “The symptoms should be gone by now.” She decided to give me another pregnancy test. When she came back into my room and said, “You are still pregnant,” I couldn't believe it! God had protected my little growing baby. My doctor had me wait two weeks and then took another blood sample to confirm that I was indeed still pregnant and the baby was growing strong!
I couldn't wait to find out the sex, so we went to find out as soon as we could and … IT WAS A GIRL! God had given us the desires of our hearts.
Nevaeh Charlize Nelson was born on December 30, 2011 at 7:17a.m. She was 7 lbs 1 oz, and 19 inches long. We named her Nevaeh because it's “heaven” spelled backwards. She is a constant reminder that we get a little piece of heaven to enjoy on this earth.