A gentle cycle

By Published On: July 19th, 2012

Babies create an impressive amount of dirty laundry. Manage the […]

Babies create an impressive amount of dirty laundry. Manage the load(s) with extra attention to baby’s delicate requirements.
Choose carefully
Detergents laden with harsh chemicals or bleach can easily irritate sensitive skin. Opt for a chemical-free solution or one formulated especially for baby. Avoid fabric softeners and antistatic sheets, which often include irksome fragrances or dyes.
Skip the sort
If you use a hypoallergenic detergent without added dyes or fragrances, baby’s clothes will fare fine when mixed into regular loads. Run an extra rinse cycle for each load, and keep an eye out for skin reactions. If your babe breaks out, consider switching brands or varieties.
Contain the cloth
Cloth diapers should be washed in a load all their own. Steer clear of bleach or chemical stain fighters, which can cause diaper rash, and instead, presoak soiled loads in cool water with baking soda or an enzyme treatment. Wash in hot water and use a double rinse.