Flu fighters

By Published On: December 1st, 2014Tags: ,

Hot shot The influenza vaccine is the most reliable form […]

Hot shot
The influenza vaccine is the most reliable form of protection against the virus. It’s safe to receive during pregnancy, and the antibodies you create travel through the placenta and your breast milk to help protect your little one until she is old enough to receive her own vaccine at 6 months. Just make sure you get the vaccine via the shot (inactive virus), not the nasal spray (live virus).

From elevator buttons to handshakes to that cellphone you’d be lost without, germs run rampant throughout our days. Hand-washing is the best way to keep them from getting you down, so wet, lather, scrub (for at least 20 seconds—try humming the “Happy Birthday” song twice through), rinse and dry.

Fever reliever
Because pregnancy puts a strain on your heart, lungs and immune system, moms-to-be are particularly susceptible to catching the flu and developing serious complications (think pneumonia). If you notice symptoms like a fever, sore throat or fatigue, call your doctor right away to find out what treatment option is right for you.


Image: iStock.com