10 Books for Parents We Love for National Reading Month 2024

Whether you’re in need of advice, insight, or a good laugh.
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We know that, as a parent, you are probably short on leisure time, but might be surprised by how much reading you can sneak in during a feeding or pumping session, while waiting in the school car pick-up line, or while you let your little one run around the backyard to get some fresh air now that spring is just around the corner. If nothing else, you can always pop in your earbuds and listen to an audiobook while running errands or going for a stroller walk. Seriously, becoming a parent doesn’t mean you have to give up the joy of reading (it may be a few years before you can speed-read your way through an entire book in a single weekend, though).
Since March is National Reading Month, we couldn’t resist the opportunity to share some of our favorite books for parents. You’ll find books on postpartum depression, data-driven research, how to divide household tasks with your partner, and raising your little one—plus a couple of funny ones for good measure. So charge your Kindle and get ready to celebrate this literary month.
How to Raise a Reader by Pamela Paul and Maria Russo
Since it’s National Reading Month, we had to start the list with this how-to book on raising kids who like reading. How to Raise a Reader by Pamela Paul and Maria Russo offers parents guidance and tips for helping their child develop a love for reading from the baby stage through the teenage years.
Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts by Karen Kleiman
Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts is written by Karen Kleiman, founder of the Postpartum Stress Center, which offers treatment for prenatal and postpartum depression and anxiety. In this book, she offers moms validation and guidance to navigate intrusive thoughts. She also encourages parents to speak up when they’re feeling overwhelmed, depressed, or anxious—because no one should have to go through this alone.
Fair Play by Eve Rodsky
If you feel like you and your partner aren’t putting in the same amount of effort to manage your home and family, pick up a copy of Fair Play by Eve Rodsky. This book offers tips on balancing things out and focuses on the invisible load that tends to land on one parent or partner more than the other (oftentimes the mom). If you want to go even deeper, there’s even a card deck you can purchase that will help open up communication.
The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Seigel, MD, and Tina Payne Bryson
Perhaps one of the most well-known and highly reviewed parenting books, The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Seigel, MD, and Tina Payne Bryson provides parents with 12 strategies for encouraging and fostering their child’s brain development. The authors explain how a child’s brain works and matures and offer tips for interacting with their kiddo on their level. With a 4.7-star rating and over 18,500 reviews, this parenting book is worth checking out.
Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy
If you’re a parent and you’re not already aware of Dr. Becky Kennedy, start following her on social media now—because her advice is on a level all its own. Her book, Good Inside, aims to help caregivers learn an updated approach to parenting that focuses on raising humans rather than “shaping behavior.” The book is filled with guidance and strategies to help parents gain confidence and build healthy relationships with their kids.
Mommy Cusses by Serena Dorman
Written by Pregnancy & Newborn’s (downright hilarious) social media guru, Serena Dorman, Mommy Cusses is a lighthearted, funny collection of short “mom malarkey.” This book includes funny quizzes, quotes, activities, and lists and is filled with laughs to help you get through those days of early parenting when it’s hard to find humor in just about anything.
Cribsheet by Emily Oster
If you like your parenting advice to come in the form of data and research, check out Cribsheet by Emily Oster. It provides all kinds of insights on some of the most confusing and overwhelming parts of early parenthood—and even debunks myths that many parents were told as facts by friends or family on breastfeeding, potty training, sleep training, speech development, and more. This book is perfect for the parent who values science and the rules of numbers.
The Montessori Baby by Simone Davies and Junnifa Uzodike
Planning on raising your little one using Montessori principles? Start by reading The Montessori Baby by Simone Davies and Junnifa Uzodike. This book focuses on ways to implement these methods into your own parenting style during your baby’s first year of life and offers tips for preparing for parenthood, creating Montessori-style spaces in your home, setting up activities, learning how to observe and communicate with your baby, and parenting with a focus on love, respect, and calm.
There Are Moms Way Worse Than You by Glenn Boozan
Ever had one of those days where you feel like the worst parent ever? Maybe you lost your temper, relied on screentime too much, or just lacked the enthusiasm necessary to keep your little one entertained. Whatever it is, There Are Moms Way Worse Than You by Glenn Boozan is a hilarious picture book to remind you that you’re doing alright—especially compared to the giraffe who is known to kick her newborn baby, the hamster who may or may not eat her baby, or a panda who will abandon one twin because she can’t be bothered to raise two babies at once.
Moms on Call by Laura Hunter, LPN, and Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN
Looking for some reliable advice on raising your baby or toddler? Check out the Moms on Call series by Laura Hunter, LPN, and Jennifer Walker, RN, BSN. Separated into three parts, Book 1: 0-6 Months, Book 2: 6 to 15 Months, and Book 3:15 Months to 4 Years, these books offer guidance on some of the toughest parts of parenthood like sleep training, feeding, illness, boundaries, and validation for parents (because raising a kid is hard!).